The mission of the Sojourner Truth Library is to provide a user-centered learning environment for students, faculty, and staff, one that is conducive to study, research, and scholarship. STL has established a Code of Library Conduct to ensure that all library users’ needs are respected and to protect library resources for all to use for many years to come.

Food and Drink Policy

No food is allowed in the library. Closed bottles and covered drinks are allowed.

Prohibited Behavior

  1. Smoking
  2. Use of drugs and/or alcohol
  3. Excessive noise or other disturbances, including chanting or marching
  4. Removing or attempting to remove library materials, equipment, or other items without proper authorization from library staff
  5. Attempting to borrow library materials with someone else’s library card
  6. Violating copyright laws
  7. Violate the University’s computer use policy
  8. Intentional damage or destruction of library property
  9. Theft. The library reserves the right to inspect bags and brief cases.
  10. Open emergency exits, except in emergency situations
  11. Interfere with library staff performing their duties.
  12. Enter the library without shoes or footwear.
  13. Audible conversations conducted via cell phone or computer. Cell phone conversations permitted in library lobby only.
  14. Pets (except for service animals)
  15. Vend, solicit, or petition in the library.
  16. Bring bicycles or use skateboards in the library.
  17. Post or distribute materials without permission.
  18. Any other activity or conduct in violation of Federal, State and local laws, and University policies and regulations

Anyone who violates the above policies will be asked by library staff to show his or her ID, to modify his or her behavior, or to leave the library building. Library staff may request assistance from University Police, as appropriate.


Modified 2021-09-03