Database Recommendation Form

Faculty and staff may suggest a database for purchase with the form below

Other types of library purchase or subscription request forms:

All completed database recommendation forms will be sent to the Electronic Resources Librarian and the department’s liaison librarian, who will contact the requestor and begin a formal review and possible trial. A trial allows the library to evaluate the database and gather valuable feedback from the campus community in order to make an informed purchasing decision.

The budget for new databases is limited and the purchase of a new database may require a re-evaluation of existing resources. All new databases are selected by a library committee which reviews campus feedback, pricing, curriculum relevancy, and other selection criteria.

Thank you for taking the time to complete all the questions in this form. Your feedback and expertise are invaluable when determining which databases to purchase. A librarian will be contacting you soon to review your request.

Please tell us how you will use this database if the library subscribed to it (Choose all that apply.)

  • If so, which class?

Have you used this database? (or)

Accessibility Request

Please let us know if you have an accessibility request, and someone will follow up with you.

* Required

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