About the lending laptops
Laptop Quick Reminders
- In library use only (You can’t take it past the security gate)
- Check out period is 3 or 12 hours
- ALWAYS Have a USB drive with you
The laptops are using web print for their wireless printing – along with the rest of the campus
The laptops are using web print for their wireless printing – along with the rest of the campus
When you first turn the laptop on you will get a chrome popup of the Web Print – log in
Make sure you log into this – if you don’t, you won’t be able to print.
NOTE: If you exited the window without logging in you can open the web print window using the icon on the desktop named ‘log onto print’

When you release print jobs you have 2 options
- You can go into web print
- Click on the icon for web print – you will see your pending documents on the front page
- Click on the printing button in the top right hand corner
- Use the search bar to look up the printer you sent your document to (Example – Library-LJ1 for printer 1 or Library-LJ2 for printer 2) this will pull up the library printer queues. Or you can scroll to your printer. The printers are in alphabetical order, all of our printers start with ‘Library’.
- Choose the correct queue for the wireless print job.
NOTE: All the printers on campus have 2 queues in web print – Gluon (which is wired) and print.newpaltz.edu (which is wireless). Always choose the printer number with print.newpaltz.edu after the name in parenthesis
5. Inside the correct queue you can release your print job
2. Go to the familiar desktop view of printing
1. Click the icon on your desktop that says ‘PaperCut Print Release’
2. Log into the desktop site – even though you already logged into web print
3. Click on the pending release link
4. Release your print job from there
NOTE: The desktop view of papercut is not connected to the login for web print so if you close out of the desktop view you will have to log in again when you want to release something.
Inside the Library Only and Take Care
These must stay inside the library security gate. You can use them upstairs or down but not out to the lobby. There is a 3 hour lending period. Take good care of them and don’t let them out of your sight.
Laptop Power – Batteries Or Plug-In
We will try to give you a charged battery in your laptop and we try not to check out power adapters.
Sound and Headphones
You can check out headphones when you check out a laptop but it is best if you have your own. The sound is off by default you can turn it on with the FN and END keyboard combination or with the sound / speaker icon by the clock. Only turn the sound on when you have headphones plugged in.
Bring A USB Drive
You should always have your own USB drive with you. Never work on campus without a USB drive. A USB drive is the best way to save your files.
You can also use your Microsoft services to save your files:
- Sign on to you OneDrive account. Use your full user ID to login and save the file to OneDrive.
- Email a file to yourself