Student Research Symposium DSpace Submission

Thank you for submitting your work to the SUNY Digital Repository (DSpace), an archive that seeks to preserve and share scholarship produced across the SUNY system. Documents archived in DSpace are freely available on the web and protected with Creative Commons Licensing.

Before you begin your submission, please read the SRS DSpace submission guidelines which outline the information and approvals you will need. You will also need to download and complete the SRS DSpace release form.

It may take up to three months for your work to appear on DSpace. Once your work is posted, it will be given a stable URL which can be used to direct readers to your work.

Fields marked with * are required

Contact information

*Faculty contact:
*Email Address:
*Faculty Email:
*Phone #:

Project Information

*Paper / Project title:

Additional authors (all authors must sign off on the DSpace release form):

Date Completed:

*Abstract: A brief summary description of the research paper being submitted

(enter keywords that describe your topic and methods; please use commas to separate words or phrases):

I am 18 or older

By checking this box I agree to the terms and policies outlined in our SRS DSpace submission guidelines, which include HREB, IBC, and animal use policy approval for applicable research, and copyright permissions for any tests and measures reproduced.

File Upload

Please refer to the DSpace submission guidelines for details on formatting your files. Whenever possible, submit all your work as a single PDF. Multiple files can be uploaded for situations in which, for example, there is a poster and a paper, or a project and an object produced to support that project (a pamphlet, artists’ book, etc.)

DSpace release form (please upload as a single PDF):
File 1
File 2
File 3

Accessibility Request

Please let us know if you have an accessibility request, and someone will follow up with you.

* Required

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