Library Technology Online Training Materials and Quizzes Updated for spring 2018

Feel free to read and take any one of our library technology training quizzes but all you really need to read are the ones that apply to your departments listed below. You need to take the accompanying quizzes when you are a new student assistant or staff. If you are a returning student assistant you only need to review the materials unless stated otherwise by your supervisor. 

  • Circulation Students and Staff- Take the Circ Laptop online quiz 
  • Reference Students and Staff- Take the Tech Help Pages Quiz
  • Tech Students and Staff- Our training is in a Blackboard course that was shared during Orientation 

Training for handling lending laptops and iPads

This is the information on Laptops and iPads. This information is not available to the patrons.

Circ Laptop/iPad information:

Circ Laptop online quiz

**Tech Laptop Troubleshooting Material:

Tech help pages – public area PCs, Printers, & Scanners etc.

This is the information from the tech help pages on the web we make available to patrons.

Tech Help Pages:

More in depth support for PCs and printers

This is most of the the information from the Tech Help Binder behind the desk.These are the training pages not available to the public. 

**To find all Student Assistant Guides on the admin pages of the website search for SAG to pull up each link. 

**Tech Student Material: 

older guides complete:



Modified 2018-10-16